Stay Connected
If you find a turtle in the sea, call
(+39) 3382198533
If you want to become a volunteer or need more information about volunteering, visit the page
If you are interested in collaborating with us or carrying out a research/university internship, please fill out the form
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Stay Connected
If you find a turtle in the sea, chiama il numero (+39) 3382198533
If you want to become a volunteer or need more information about volunteering, visit the page
If you are interested in collaborating with us or carrying out a research/university internship, please fill out the form
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Opening hours
A causa delle gravi difficoltà economiche che non consentivano di affrontare le spese per la locazione della sede isolana, le attività mediche e divulgative sono state trasferite da marzo 2023 presso il Centro Recupero che l’Associazione gestisce in Sicilia.
For information and requests regarding visits, see the Contact page.
For schools, groups, journalists: contact Daniela Freggi at +39 3382198533
Stay in touch with us
Lampedusa e Linosa AG, Italia
© LAMPEDUSA TURTLE RESCUE 2022 | Design by Daniel Cortese